YSS launches 'Visualise That!' data viz competition

The RSS Young Statisticians Section (YSS) is excited to announce the Visualise That contest! If you have a large dataset and are interested in exploring data in a creative way, then this competition is a great way to showcase your skills.

The YSS is looking for some innovative dashboards or apps that you may have created using various software such as RShiny or PowerBI. This competition aims to promote those interested in story-telling using dashboards and visuals.

You are welcome to submit an existing dashboard (created using your software of choice) or create a new one. There is no limit on the number of entries one participant can submit. Please submit as many as you wish!

Requirements for the contest 

  • Dashboard can be created using any software of your choice. It could be RShiny, PowerBI, ArcGis, it doesn’t really matter!
  • App should be deployed online, and a link should be submitted (code is not acceptable in the case of RShiny)
  • Entry to the competition is open to anyone with an interest in statistics, data science and/or data visualisation
  • Individuals or teams are allowed to enter. However, if it is a joint effort then one person should be allocated to present the results at the RSS Conference 2021 if selected. Please provide the contact details of the person who will be presenting if selected
  • Prize winners will be invited to present their dashboards along with a 10-minute presentation covering (but not limited to) various aspects such as why they made the dashboard, what they hoped to achieve or what software they used
  • The dashboard could have any format. However, please provide an Introduction page that provides details on what the dashboard aims to achieve, datasets used and why/how you came to making it.


You can submit your entry for the competition by filling out this form online. The competition kicks off on 15th June and the deadline is on 15th July at 5pm. We strongly recommend getting your submission in well before the deadline so that you have ample time to resolve any last-minute technical hurdles.

Criteria for evaluation

Apps will be judged based on artistic achievement and visuals. Evaluation will take into account the narrative presented through the dashboard.


Three prize winners will be invited to present their dashboards at the RSS Conference in September 2021 at Manchester. The names and the works of all the winners will be highlighted both at the conference and on social media.

We really appreciate the time and effort each contestant puts into building their submissions and can’t wait to see what you produce!


If you don’t know where to begin, then please look at our Visualising data with dashboards session at the RSS Conference 2020. Alternatively, the RShiny gallery provides some great examples of dashboards.

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