Masterclass: Estimating and correcting for measurement error in longitudinal studies

Masterclass: Estimating and correcting for measurement error in longitudinal studies

Date: Thursday 03 June 2021, 2.00PM
Location: Online
Online - joining instructions will be sent to those registered
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To mark the launch of the new book Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data the Royal Statistical Society will be hosting a half-day masterclass. The masterclass will bring together six of the book authors to present the state of the art in statistical models for estimating and correcting for measurement error in longitudinal data and estimates of change, as well as highlighting how these methods can be implemented in practice

As part of the event, Oxford University Press will be offering a 30% on Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data.

Programme (times are BST):

14:00 – 14:15
Introduction to event and book:
Alexandru Cernat (University of Manchester) & Joe Sakshaug (IAB/LMU-Munich)

14:15 – 14:50
Developing Reliable Measures: An Approach to Evaluating the Quality of Survey Measurement Using Longitudinal Designs:
Duane F. Alwin (Pennsylvania State University)

14:50 – 15:25
Comparison of Reliability in Seventeen European Countries Using the Quasi-Simplex Model:
Johana Chylíková (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

15:25 – 16:00
Modelling error dependence in categorical longitudinal data:
Dimitris Pavlopoulos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

16:00 – 16:15 Break

16:15 – 16:50
Longitudinal Measurement (Non)Invariance in Latent Constructs:
Heinz Leitgöb (University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

16:50 – 17:25
Self-evaluation, Differential Item Functioning and Longitudinal Anchoring Vignettes:
Omar Paccagnella (University of Padua)

17:25 – 18:00
Establishing measurement invariance across time within an accelerated longitudinal design:
Maria Pampaka (University of Manchester)

18:00 – 18:15
Q&A and concluding remarks

  • Alexandru Cernat (University of Manchester)
  • Joe Sakshaug (IAB/LMU-Munich)
  • Duane F. Alwin (Pennsylvania State University)
  • Johana Chylíková (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Dimitris Pavlopoulos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • Heinz Leitgöb (University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
  • Omar Paccagnella (University of Padua)
  • Maria Pampaka (University of Manchester)
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