A Feminist Statistician’s Perspective on Gendered Limitations of Administrative Data in Modern Slavery Statistics (Online)

Date: Monday 20 May 2024, 1.00PM - 2.00PM
Location: Online
Section Group Meeting
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The RSS International Development Section hosts this webinar with Davina Durgana, an international human rights statistician leading the development of global models assessing risk and vulnerability to modern slavery. Dr. Durgana will discuss gendered limitations in the use of administrative data sources in the field of modern slavery statistics.
Measurement in modern slavery, like all applied measurement efforts, requires careful consideration of potential measurement bias and error - especially given the primacy of administrative data in most aspects of our work in this space. Not only do researchers need administrative data to learn as much as possible about population demographics to ensure a representative survey can be planned but administrative data are also required for more direct analysis on vulnerability and risk assessments. Gender considerations in administrative data as they pertain to modern slavery research have significant impact on research and resulting policy. Discussing the impact of gender on administrative data requires a clear understanding of how administrative data impact our lives and why inclusivity in data collection is critical. Administrative data collection is an exercise in inclusion and exclusion of the key groups that comprise our societies. Accordingly, this process deserves the serious consideration of all key stakeholders to ensure that the data measurement infrastructure is as inclusive as possible. This talk by Davina Durgana, PhD, will discuss the importance of intentional inclusivity in data systems and data collection processes particularly with respect to gender, race and broader socioeconomic characteristics. 
Davina Durgana PhD, Senior Statistician, Faculty Green Templeton College, Oxford University; Director, Free the Slaves
RSS International Development Section, Cora Mezger

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